Playing Nurse!
The hubby went in for knee surgery yesterday! He was excited...can't you tell???
Here is at home hooked up to the portable icepack. He's doing well and is a pretty good patient. He's loving the fact that he's getting special attention however the naughty nurse costume had to was distracting to the patient. Haha! Just kidding about the nurse costume....the hubby was hoping!!
Tell me about his knee surgery...hubs is having knee surgery in March. What did yours have done?
Well, he should be smiling with the pretty nurse he has. You brought me a smile with this post. Have fun this Valentine's Day! Hope he is soon feeling much better!
I hope he gets well soon. I have heard knee surgery is really painful.
glad he's doing well and hopefully will be up chasing you...oops, I mean back to himself soon.
They are always hoping . . . :) Hugs to Dwight. And to you for having to tend him while he recuperates. LIke we said the other day - men are the WORST patients.
Happy Valentines Day!
Hi Connie-
I'm Judd Corizan from the meme Sunday Stealing. ( I thought I'd take the time to invite you and all Random Dozen players to join us this and every Sunday. We have a group of great players who participate. We usually post by 3PM Eastern time on Saturdays.
Oh wow....glad to see he's home resting now. My dad had a knee replacement last August..and that ice..knee pack wrap thing looks SO familiar!
I hope he has a quick recovery!
Wishes for a speedy recovery...
My husband had bilateral partial knee replacement last Jan and has done extremely well. I have pictures posted in Jan 2009.
Happy Valentines Day
OOPPSSS, Connie it was Feb 09. He is no longer bow-legged either.
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