For Today...
Outside My Window...the wind is blowing the trees so gently. It's a chilly fall morning finally.
I am thinking...that I am going to have a busy week!
From the learning rooms...is my bible study on Ms. Happiness that I need to re-read and think about the questions and what I am to gather from this study.
I am thankful for...my husband and his job in these uncertain times and for God's blessings.
From the kitchen...the smell of cinnamon coffee and last night's chicken and dumplings.
I am wearing...a black sweat pants with a jacket and blue fuzzy socks to keep me warm on our first chilly morning this fall.
I am reading...the newspaper and What Happens When Women Say Yes to God.
I am hoping...to write an offer for a client today.
I am creating...a CD of pictures of myself for my son-in-law to create a DVD of my 50 years of life for my birthday. I love the one he did for my hubby.
I am hearing...quietness at this moment and it's wonderful.
Around the house...I have laundry to do, my bed to be made and some piles to clean up.
One of my favorite things...is looking at photos of family and friends.
A Few Plans For the Rest of the Week...to pack for Chicago(we leave on Friday), get the house ready for our small group bible study meeting here tomorrow night, pick up the motorhome from the repair shop, take 2 buyers out to look at homes and write an offer for them, get my nails done, get my car washed, put some $$$ in my son's account for his books for college :) and take care of Bella and Dylan 2 days this week.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...
My precious granddaughter walking us out to the pumpkin patch last week to pick her very own pumpkin. What a nice day that was.
For more Simple Woman's Day Books, visit The Simple Woman. Have a great day!!
You must be a realtor. I can't wait until my realtor writes me an offer or rather presents me with one. My house has been on the market for 15 1/2 months but who is counting. The Lord has His plan and timing. I just wish He'd tell me so I'd be more at peace and relaxed about it.
Sweet Blessings,
I LOVE the picture of your granddaughter. I hope she found the perfect pumpkin!
I love your thoughts in the Bible Study and your granddaughter is beautiful!
I pray that you will continue to be blessed by Lisa's book and hopefully we can all do another one to grow and encourage one another as we follow hard after HIM!
BTW, a realtor in CA? Are you near San Francisco area? My daughter and her husband are in San Diego area until April. Afterwards they are being transferred north to SF area.
Of course, only apartments first in this economy, but do you know good or decent areas outside of SF?
My daughter just asked me today about the areas there and I said I would pray. I haven't even prayed and here you are - a realtor :-)
Blessings and prayers,
Your a busy girl this week. Be sure to dress warm for Chicago. I hear it's cold. :-)
Your morning sounds so peaceful. I love it! Now I want some cinnamon coffee! Maybe tomorrow morning...
The picture of your granddaughter is precious! I also loved reading about you on this day.....I hope you have a good trip this week.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment! Cute picture of your granddaughter at the pumpkin patch!
aaawwww, I love this post! AND the sweet picture in the pumpkin patch!!
I left you something on my blog!
Happy Wednesday!
Ooo I like this...can I do it too?
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